At Abel Bainnson Butz, LLP, when we talk about sustainable, resilient, and well-designed landscapes, we are part environmentalist, part planner, part engineer, part horticulturist, part pragmatist, part urbanist, part technician, part creative artist.
With over 50 years of design experience, we come to the table with an understanding of the issues clients will likely face, allowing us to immediately turn our creative attention to meeting their core needs.
Our approach to design varies project to project. After five decades of practice, we have built a depth of expertise that allows us to quickly assess how the process should unfold to deliver a successful outcome. We know when to frontload technical questions; when prioritizing stakeholder interests matters most; and how to conceptualize long-term site potentials. Process isn’t a recipe, it's client, site, and circumstance-dependent.
Abel Bainnson Butz, LLP founded in 1968, is a professional, award-winning landscape architectural, design, and site planning practice based in NYC, that works on projects of all scales.