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Project Area

6 Acres


Construction Cost




NYC Parks


Location Pin

​ABB’s plans for expanded programming and improvements for the Phase 1 section of Riverside Side Park South include a new spliced steel column shade structure with a folded aluminum roof, as well as upgraded circulation designed to separate pedestrians and cyclists on the heavily used Manhattan bikeway. Existing basketball courts and handball walls were reconfigured to provide room for new park amenities under the Miller Highway, from 68th to 72nd Street: an informal children’s play area; new active recreation areas for adult park users; a street-style skating area, Parkour course, and batting cage. The project also reconstructs a natural turf soccer field (Field A).


image credit: ABB

Parkour Photo Credit: Specified Play Equipment Company

ABEL BAINNSON BUTZ, LLP               80 8th AVENUE, SUITE 1105    NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10011    212.206.0630    INFO@ABBNYC.COM

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